From the moment a child is enrolled in a nursery class or primary of the Groupe Scolaire Bilingue Juniors, his attendance becomes mandatory. Registration at GSB Juniors implies a commitment to family, regular attendance, essential for the development of the child’s personality and thus preparing him to receive the training given. In the absence of regular attendance, the child will be removed from the list of registered and returned to his family by the Head Teacher. The parents of the pupil are responsible for the lack compulsory education of their child.
Absences are recorded each day in a register kept by the teacher. The student’s parents must communicate without delay to the school administration, legitimate reasons for absence (eg. illness).
Time: 7:15 am to 2:30 pm
The gate is open daily at 6:30 am. Children are welcome between 6:30 am. and 7:15 am. Classes start every day at 8:a.m and end at 2: pm for nursery, and at 2: 30 pm for the primary on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday. On Wednesday, classes finish at 11:30 am for nursery and 12: noon for the primary.
In order to not disturb the progress of the class, delays are not allowed.
The duty of tolerance and respect of the other in his/her convictions; personality and the rejection of all forms of discrimination is applicable to everyone in the school.
The school is a great place to promote equality between men and women. It ensures and promotes the principle of equality and mutual respect between sexes. The teacher is prohibited through his/her conduct, gestures or words that translate indifference or contempt towards the pupil, his/her family, or that could hurt the child’s emotion.
Pupils as their families must refrain from any behavior, gestures or words that would undermine the function or the person of the teacher and the respect due to their classmates or their families.
At G.S.B. JUNIORS, it is strictly forbidden:
a) For parents to offer gifts to the administrative and teaching staff with the intention to “motivate” them for a particular follow-up of their children;
b) To enter at the school premises during school hours and disturb the teachers;
c) To do shooting in the classrooms without the Management’s authorization
d) To bring photographers in the school premises without prior authorization of the Management;
e) To make any verbal or physical threats against another child or staff and teachers in the school premises.
Pupils are responsible of their school bags and personal belongings and should be kept in good condition. Pupils must have proper attire appropriate to various school activities. Books and other materials loaned by the school must be respected and will be replaced by the family in case of loss, theft or intentional damage.
Pupils should only bring the necessary items for school activities. Are therefore proscribed: drugs, dangerous objects, cell phones, video games and valuables. In case of non-compliance of this rule, items will be confiscated by teachers or Head Teacher.
All activities realized within the classroom and during school hours are strictly mandatory and cannot be subject to any exemption except medical certificate specifying the duration of the exemption.
Optional outings (performed outside school hours) are subject to the prior approval of parents.
When a child is sick, teachers may contact parents to pick up the child at school.
Parents are informed of school life:
• Through our website:
• By mail delivered to children (weekly signing of correspondence book);
• By notes posted on the billboard reserved at school;
• By SMS.
School photography is present in our institution, whether on the traditional class photo or school activities presented in school publications (magazine, flyers, etc.), on the school website and social networks or more rarely on restricted broadcast medium (artistic and cultural project, excursions …).
It allows:
• To inform on projects and educative activities (excursions/site seeing, artistic and cultural projects, sports, school correspondence, …);
• To exploit events and visits (ceremonies, shows, sport events, various outings, …);
• To motivate pupils and enhance their work by showing them in real school situation, active, always in a positive way;
• To maintain through class photo memories of childhood friends and time spent at school.
The school naturally prohibits the use of any photo which could harm (hurt) the dignity of the child or the parents.
Thus, and unless otherwise specified in writing by the parents of a pupil and in strict respect with the values mentioned above, it is considered that parents allow the school to use the photographic representation of their child. The family is informed that at any time, they can request the withdrawal of a photo from the website or express their rejection of any future publication of a photo of their child.
Every pupil’s parent of G.S.B. JUNIORS must attend regularly to “The Parents’ Conference” held after each sequence at school. It is a forum for exchange, sharing and consulting to the global education of each pupil. There are all kinds of debates: educative, social, health, moral … It is prohibited for pupils and children to be present during these meetings.
Every class parent delegate is required to regularly attend meetings that precede “Parents’ Conference” sessions. It is a forum of dialogue, which allows to share, to address problems identified by parents, so as to make constructive and practical suggestions to the management of GSB JUNIORS for a smooth running of the institution.
The teacher must get each pupil work to the best of its abilities. In case of insufficient work, after questioned on its causes, the teacher will decide on appropriate measures. The board of teachers will decide whether or not to record breaches in the school Internal Rules and Regulations, in the school record of the pupil (behavior, absences …). Pupils should on every occasion show respect to teachers, agents on duty and classmates.
The student who has not paid the requested school installment will not be allowed in the classroom.
a) In addition, school fees cannot be refunded in case of any departure of a pupil from the school initiated by the parent or not under the responsibility of the GSB Juniors.
b) In the case of transfer during the year, 1/3 of the installment paid for the period is refunded to the parent.
This extract of the Internal Rules and Regulations Groupe Scolaire Bilingue Juniors is presented and explained to each parent at registration of his/her child.
The Director
Download Internal rules and Regulations of GSB Juniors